Seattle Indian Community - SeattleIndian
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Add A Classified

Note: All classifieds will be activated after they have been reviewed by us within 24-48 hours. All the columns marked with * are required. Classified by default are for a month. Personal classified can also be made Premium for a small fee. There is a charge for home based business, job listings, IT jobs, IT/Training Placement and other small businesses. To advertise, contact us at

Ad Title*
City* (Your account city by default is visible in classified details, you can edit your display city here)
Business Name*

Mode of Training
IT Training Type
Visa Type
Website URL (Displayed only for few categories)
(Note: There is a charge for home based business, job classifieds, IT/Training & Placement and other small businesses)

(Please do not add any contact information such as email and phone in this field, add them in approproate fields. You are likely to get spam emails and phone calls by exposing your contact information in this field, so please beware)
Expires On

Disclaimer: We are not responsible and liable for the validity of this classified. It is your responsibility to validate the claims made in this classified. Please use your own discretion when meeting or conducting a transaction based on this classified. There is a lot of scam on internet. Please beware of doing any transactions by personal check or cash or money transfer for buying or selling unless you have verified all the credentials of the user you are transacting with. We are not liable for any damages.

Beware of Scammers: Do not accept any personal checks. It has come to our notice that some scammers will give personal check for a higher amount than actual item/rent and then their check will bounce in few days. They will ask you to send the extra balance by making a story. So please verify from your bank if the check is cleared 2-3 days as when you deposit their check, it shows its paid but it will bounce in few days.